What if your determination could be turned into higher levels of effectiveness?
What if your steadfastness could be turned into ease?
What if accountability = aliveness and freedom?
What if your social enterprise met all of its revenue and social impact targets?
What if there was no burnout in your leadership or organization?
What if the reason why you and the members of your organization are leading extraordinary lives is due to an extraordinary cultural framework of your organization?
What if you had the balance in your life of making a huge social impact while generating incredible relationships with your partner and/or children?
What if you felt accomplished, fulfilled, and fully self-expressed in every aspect of your life?
What if everyone in your organization where infused with a stronger sense of purposefulness and knew their set of unique strengths that only 1 in 64 million other people on this planet have? What would that clarity and confidence do to the atmosphere of openness, collaboration and innovation?
What would an increase of 16% in employee engagement feel like and look like? What is the dollar amount that your bottom line would be improved? What is the degree to which the social impact would deepen and scale?
You may know how to scale revenue but not social impact and so your social enterprise gets morphed into a corporation that merely has a charity component, instead of actively impacting systemic change.
You may know how to scale social impact but not revenue and so you are feeling an intense amount of pressure from VCs or other investors regarding your slow movement towards a liquidity event.
You may know how to scale social impact and revenue but not the culture within your organization, so most people are experiencing burnout and the possibility of “being the change they wish to see in the world” is deflated.
You may have leadership taking extended leaves to recover from their burnout.
You may have employee turnover or lowered engagement because you have bottlenecks and delays in structuring commission agreements as you attempt to scale.
You may have a bottleneck in hiring employees or contractors because you personally are wanting to screen each one of them to protect your culture, all while losing the best candidates or putting a financial strain on their personal finances due to your delays so they join your organization with their enthusiasm already thwarted.
Because your organization is letting too many deals go out of integrity, you may have leadership inside your organization not wanting to put their own reputation on the line within their networks to create what could be powerful revenue or social impact collaborations.
What if you could snap your fingers and have a framework for the culture of your organization airlifted and placed over your dispersed network of employees that would dissipate burnout, increase engagement, stop the financial bleed of employee turnover and ignite collaboration and innovation? What would that be worth to you?
Our clients become the hero of their story by achieving agility for themselves and their entire organization to navigate the complex agendas of social impact/revenue/profit with peacefulness, effectiveness and velocity. Our clients become the hero that provides the opportunity for each member of their organization to become heroes in transforming experiences of burnout and resignation into aliveness, resilience, and harmony.

This is perfect for social enterprise Founders/CEOs who want to master the trifecta of radically decreasing time to liquidity, significantly reducing employee turnover costs, and balancing the financial and social impact agendas without leadership burnout. Making the decision to implement this program which includes your entire organization, will generate effectiveness and velocity.
Strengths-Based Psychological Assessment
Core Values Assessment
1 x 90-Min Kick-off Session
2x Monthly 60-Minute Session
Accountability coach meets with EA of executive weekly for support/confirmation of integrating environmental architecture
Subconscious reprogramming specialist (9 hours)
1 Person ticket to CEO Retreat
2 Person Ticket to Live Event
C-Suite Strengths-Based Asssessments
C-Suite 1:1 Strengths-based Integration Session
C-Suite Group Coaching 2x/month (90-Minute)
Accountability Group for all C-Suite EA's to connect with Accountability Coach to ensure integration of coaching components
Annual Event Speaking Engagement
1x Monthly Team Synergy Session for managers/Supervisors/Team Leaders
Culture Creation and Optimization - Weekly virtues training platform for all employees (Up to 20,000) to integrate C.O.R.E. virtues in your organization)
10 person ticket to live event